Have you ever gone to a place so perfectly strange you felt like you could just melt away in its weirdness? Well, that's the type of experience I had the other day while visiting Serendipity.
Out in the middle of nowhere is a secret garden filled to the brim with rusted goods, antiques, and whatever else people have dropped off or has been collected. The property is owned by a man who goes by the name Hippie Tom. His goods are kept in mis-matched barns, green houses, and old chapels all strung together through a flowing garden. Around each corner there is something new to explore and discover, thus the name Serendipity. The overall beauty of it all is very captivating it takes you away from reality for just a split second.
Strolling past the tree strung with buoys, and the barn filled with chairs, I was lucky to find an old antique copper lamp hanging from a tree. I knew with a little rewiring and TLC I could get it to shine again, so the lamp came home with me.
The property is located in Waterford, WI and is only open to the public twice a year, which in my opinion adds more to the charm and mystery of it all. Overall my experience was fantastic and I cannot wait to visit again someday.