American Cancer Society  

Kohl's Cares recently held a volunteer event for The American Cancer Society, a long-standing community partner of Kohl's. Headed by the Product Development team, the volunteers created hundreds of head-wraps, beanies, tie-blankets, coloring book kits, and skin care gift bags all to be donated to patients going through Chemotherapy. 

Corporation: Kohl’s | Role: Design Lead


My part in this event was having the opportunity to create the packaging that the head-wraps would be placed inside as well as different little tags, and pieces. I really wanted the box to feel special, like a gift. If I could achieve that, then maybe for one second, it could put a small pause on the patients reality. 

This project felt really personal to me having lost my grandma and dear friend to cancer a few years back, so I felt very grateful to be apart of this event. 
